We had a fantastic Father’s Day barbecuing and 4-wheeling on the beach with friends. We got rather dirty and got rather lovely sunburns, too. Summer is definitely upon us. That means it’s popsicle time.
If you don’t have a popsicle mold, I highly recommend getting one (I have these). It’s a terrific investment, especially if you have kids. We go through a few popsicles this time of year and save quite a bit of money making them ourselves (the kids love to help make them!). And, you can make even tastier flavors at home than you can buy in the store. Plus, you get the bonus of all-natural ingredients.
I made the mistake of making these in the evening, so they weren’t frozen through and ready to eat until the next day. As soon as the kids got out of bed in the morning they began asking for popsicles. I found myself saying multiple times, “I’m sorry, no, you cannot have a popsicle for breakfast.” I think I was able to hold out until about 11:30 a.m before handing them out. They were all gone in about two minutes flat. The whole batch. They’re sweet, creamy, and chocolatey with the distinct flavor of ripe banana.
Oh, and you may need a napkin… or three. Just FYI.
Banana Fudge Popsicles

Adapted from [Chocolate Covered Katie| http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/2011/08/11/creamy-chocolate-fudgsicles/] via Pinterest
Yields: 8 three-ounce popsicles
- 1/2c coconut milk
- 2 ripe bananas
- 2T cocoa powder
- 1t vanilla
- dash of salt
- 2-4T sugar
Pour coconut milk into blender. Add bananas, cocoa powder, vanilla, salt, and 2T sugar. Blend until smooth. Taste for sweetness (this will depend on how sweet/ripe your bananas are). Add more sugar if needed by the tablespoon until desired sweetness is reached. Pour into popsicle mold and freeze as directed.